Program Type:
GamesProgram Description
Teens and Tweens ages 10-17 are invited to join and play Dungeons & Dragons with the Sugar Creek crew. New and experienced players are welcome. Materials will be provided.
D&D will meet twice a month and will be mainly one-shot campaigns blended with tutorial style gaming until a group is developed for longer campaign runs.
Meetups Dates
Tuesday, March 4 - Onboarding/Character Building/Tutorial + One Shot Campaign - Boss Is Gone LETS GOOO
Tuesday, March 18 - One-Shot Campaign - Boss Is Gone LETS GOOO
Tuesday, April 1 - Onboarding/Tutorial + Small Campaign - There Be Dragons
Tuesday, April 15 - Small Campaign Continued - There Be Dragons
Tuesday, April 29 - Small Campaign Continued - There Be Dragons
No younger siblings or those younger than 10 due to the complexity of the game and content.