NEW: Registration is no longer required. Instead, children will be admitted on a first-come/first-serve basis. Caregivers should check in at the Children's Desk immediately upon arrival to create your child’s name tag.
Have a question about your phone, computer, or tablet? Bring your device and drop in for a quick help session with one of our librarians. Join us at the Information Desk. We can get you started with:
NEW: Registration is no longer required. Instead, children will be admitted on a first-come/first-serve basis. Caregivers should check in at the Children's Desk immediately upon arrival to create your child’s name tag.
Kids in grades 2 to 5, create masterpieces to your heart's content in celebration of National Children's Craft Day on March 14th! We will have a wide variety of craft supplies available so all you need to bring is your imagination.
Kids age 5-8, join us for hands-on adventures with music and art!
How does your family emergency 72-hour plan look? Joe Fitzgerald from Homeland Security and Hancock County Emergency Management will discuss and demonstrate the differences in emergency kits and how to determine what’s right for you.