Program Type:
Books/WritingProgram Description
Adults and teens are invited to join the Hancock County Public Library's "NaNoWriMo" group. We'll meet online as a closed group in "Google Classroom" and share ideas and inspiration for (Na)tional (No)vel (Wri)ting (Mo)nth, celebrated November 1-30.
The goal is to help you submit a finished 50,000-word novel, short story, poem, haiku, or memoir for online publication by November 30. (Please review the attached "Terms and Conditions" document for the official rules.) While you cannot officially begin writing until November 1, you CAN start planning now!
Librarian Nicole Scurlock will share inspiration from the NaNoWriMo website as well as anything else that might help your creative process. You are welcome to start conversations, share ideas, tips & tricks, links to helpful resources, and general writing inspiration or musings.
Writing by yourself can be difficult, even for seasoned writers. Our NaNoWriMo group is a safe, friendly and supportive space where you can engage in discussion related your writing project.
Feel free to reach out with any comments/questions: .
To participate, join our Google Classroom here and enter the class code: tu66o6g